Darmaga Sunda Resto is a restaurant that serves typical Sundanese food located food located on KM 36 Bandung-Garut St., Nagreg, Bandung.

We are a restaurant that has uniqueness becausewe combine the concept of a place to eat with recreation.

As the name implies, we present a placeto eat with the atsmosphere surrounded by docks and lush tress.

We also have a boat-shaped dining area so guest who come will feel the sensation of eating while rideing the boat.

We also present the spot of interesting photographs of the contemporary and Instagram-able.

Focus on selling the concept of recreation, does not make us forget the taste of typical Sundanese food that we serve.

Sundanese specialties that we serve are typical foods with great pleasure and will make your tongue sway.

We have a variety of typical menus, including the mainstay menu Darmaga Sunda such as “Gulai Kepala Kakap Kuah Merah”,

“Sup Gurame Goreng Asam Pedas”, and others.

We also provide special food packages for Children because we bring Darmaga Sunda not only for you but also for the family.

Call us at 081214234772 for reservation!

ami memiliki berbagai menu khas, termausk menu andalan Darmaga Sunda seperti Gulai kepala Kakap kuah merah, sop gurame goreng asam pedan, dan lainnya. Kami juga menyediakan paket makanan khusus untuk Anak-anak karena memang kami menghadirkan Darmaga Sunda tidak hanya untk Anda tetapi juga untuk keluarga.

Hubungi kami di 081214234772 untuk reservasi!